27 October 2007

A year at INSEAD

This is my first post as a blogger. It is high time.

I must start with my experience at INSEAD. I started my 1-year MBA in January 2007, and now I am about to graduate. I have a dream job -with McKinsey - and I am so happy that I have not studied anything since past 2 weeks. This is unthinkable at INSEAD!

My first month at INSEAD was full of challenges. I was adjusting to the new place, people and information. Everything was new and challenging. In fact I noticed that in the first few weeks here was a healthy tension in the campus. There was a lot of sizing-each-other-up going on. All of us were facing some of the best brains from different cultures and were subconsciously placing them in our heads.

I have rarely slept less than 7 hours a day. I did at INSEAD - at least for the first 2 months. That was busy time as we also had to search for summer internships. Later on I got used to beating the system. Not all readings were supposed to be read. Team work meant: divide and conquer the assignments. Some of the early morning classes could be missed.

Nevertheless, I love the time that I have spent here. I have gained amazing information, perspectives and contacts at INSEAD. I am about to finish the program in December and then a new chapter will open. However, I will never forget the time that I have spent here at INSEAD!

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