13 November 2007

Materialism vs Idealism

What causes things to move or to act in the way they do?

A materialist believes that matter (things) shapes events. e.g. a materialist believes one will feel happier if one has a car, a house and a lot of money. So for a materialist, the source of happiness exists outside - in material things.

An idealist believes that ideas shape events. e.g. an idealist believes one will feel happier if one control his desires. So for a materialist, the source of happiness exists within oneself.

Who is right? I feel both are right to an extent.

In my past, I have certainly felt happier by possessing material things.
However, I have also felt happier after I controlled my desire to have an ice cream.

I believe that western philosophy is more Materialistic and Indian philosophy is more Idealistic. Americans extol material success. Whereas, Indians gurus focus more on self-control.

I believe this is due to different circumstances India and America have had historically.

India was a land of abundance in ancient times. Hence, matter was easily available and hence obtaining it was not really a virtuous task. So, self-control became a virtue.

In America, it was the opposite. Matter was not abundant explicitly. Hence, industrialists and businessmen had to extract matter by hard work and ideas. Hence, material success became desirable.

However, I believe we are more under the influence of materialism today than of idealism. We under-appreciate the power of mind.

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