21 September 2010

A better alternative to meditation

I have always wondered what one does while meditating? I have never been able to meditate and find the entire process boring.

Now, I have begun to think that meditation may not be the best way to achieve concentration and calmness.

I think that calmness and joy proceed from concentration. Once you are able to concentrate intensely on something, and hence achieve a productive outcome, you feel immense satisfaction. If you do this repeatedly, you will make concentration and focus a way of life.

To achieve concentration, one needs to identify a topic worth concentrating on. One must have a question in mind on this topic. I find it ridiculous to attempt to focus on without-a-purpose topics (e.g. focusing on one's inner self, god, a point between one's eyes, etc). Such a focus is non-productive, and boring for a result-oriented person.

Instead, if one chooses a topic on which one has certain questions. Then, if one intensely focuses on the questions at hand, without letting any other distracting thought enter his mind, then this is true concentration. This should be the approach of meditation.

Traditional meditation may seem justified if one is really disturbed and can't focus on anything, and does meditation to empty and tranquilize one's mind. However even in such situations, one needs to think. One needs to introspect, weigh his priorities, and decide his response to his problems.

Therefore, I believe that mediation is pointless if it advises for suspending one's active thinking and passively focusing on vacuum, god, a point, one's breath, etc.

What is fulfilling is intensely concentrating on a question/problem that is worth one's interest an time. This intense focus will bring calmness and joy of achieving a productive outcome. This is true meditation.

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